GOARTEA Premium Seven Leaf Jiaogulan Gynostemma Chinese Herbal GREEN TEA Loose Leaf

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Product Description:
In Chinese tradition, Jiaogulan is also called "Southern Ginseng".This herb, native to the mountainous areas of southern China. The tasty tea made from the stems and leaves of this herbaceous perennial vine have 4 times more ginseng-like saponins than either American or Asian Ginseng. Jiao gu lan contains substances called gypenosides. These are similar to the active constituents in ginseng, but jiaogulan contains over three times as many. It's contains 82 saponins, some of which are directly related to the ginsenosides found in ginseng root. Japanese scientists discovered that the plant contained ingredients very similar to those found in ginseng.

Brewing Jiaogulan Green Tea:
1. Rinse tea cup and teapot with hot water.
2. Use about 3.5 - 7 grams of tea leaves (2-3.5 teaspoons) for every 225 ml of water.
3.Steep tea leaves in hot water at at 70 to 80 degrees (158 to 176 degrees Fahrenheit.) for 1 minute for the first and second brewing.
4. Gradually increase steeping time and temperature for subsequent brewing.
5. Refill when glass is still 1/3 full.

Get sealed and put in the cool cold place. Attention must be paid to: make sure the tea is sealed up, meanwhile can not put together with another odor, in case of taint of odour.

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